Tōku Whānau Admin

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Tōku Whānau Admin

Kia ora koutou katoa!

I am honored to introduce myself as the Administrator of Tōku Whānau, a dedicated Maori social media platform created to foster connection, culture, and community. Our platform is like a digital marae, a virtual gathering place where whānau from across Aotearoa and around the world can come together to share their stories, culture, and experiences.

At Tōku Whānau, our mission is to empower Maori and communities by providing a safe and inclusive online space where the rich tapestry of Maori culture can thrive. Whether you're here to connect with long-lost whanaunga, discuss important kaupapa, or simply celebrate our unique heritage, Tōku Whānau is your platform.

As the Administrator, my commitment is to ensure that Tōku Whānau remains a respectful, supportive, and vibrant online whare. I'm here to support your journey and help maintain the mana of our platform.

Nau mai, haere mai ki Tōku Whānau - Welcome to our digital whānau. Together, we can create a stronger, more connected Maori community in the digital age.